I have a bit of a girl crush on Uma Thurman. I love the way that she is so gawkey and tall (kinda like yours truly) and is not what you would call traditionally beautiful. As my house mate put it last night, she has the “alien sort of model look”, wide set eyes and a wide angular face. This kind of face has been quite in with the modeling world for some years now, though I think with her 1985 cover of VOGUE, she was most definitely a front runner for this look: .
Uma is also in one of my favorite period drama films (oh yeah, Haeme and I both love period dramas-don’t judge us!) Dangerous Liaisons, which another one of my favorite films is based on: Cruel Intentions.
I spend the majority of the film secretly cursing the 18 year old Uma, for being so damn fresh faced and gorgeous! Here are some more images of her from the 90s which are inspiring my current look:
(I had to add a Pulp Fiction Image! This film still makes me sigh, and want to take up chain smoking and get a cocaine addiction).
This is one of my absolute favorite pictures of her. That make up! That hair! those glasses! Perfecto!