We all associate self care with drinking herbal tea whilst floating away on a cloud of essential oils. But what are some ways to take care of ourselves that we may not have thought of?
Not reading the comments. Sometimes we gleefully lap up the drama. Do we really need the mental stress and 'clutter' of extra conflict in our lives though?
Deep cleaning and decluttering your environment. I hate cleaning more than Auckland traffic or being in hold with IRD but… and I'm definitely not one to get excited about new scents of disinfectant or softner but I do like an environment that smells and feels homely
Getting organised for events like Christmas and birthdays early to avoid panic buying at big box stores. Plan throughout the year and not only will you probably be a more thoughtful gift-giver, but you will probably be able to save money too - bonus!
Making meaningful connections with other people. Making time for friends and being really present in the moment I.E - away from distractions such as phones.
Don't dedicate a lot of time to obsessing about something you don't like or don't do. For example being childfree. It's bizarre at best, get a hobby. People barely care care about what you're actually doing, never mind what you're not doing. To assume everyone is that interested in you is just ego. Sorry not sorry.
Men going their own way etc. Don't confuse casual small talk with people trying to strong arm you into something. They're just being polite and thinking of questions on the hop, they're not actually invested. I used to talk a lot about how I don't believe in God, until I realised I should just STFU.
Following on from the above, don't get bogged down fighting against stuff you don't understand such as being trans. You don't have to understand something to accept it and acknowledge its validity. It'll honestly be such a weight off your shoulders when you stop internally thrashing around like a fish in a net and just accept it.
Being still and not on a screen, these days it's almost unavoidable to be glued to a screen. Try to detach yourself and enjoy the 'real world' once in a while - remember, that thing called nature? That place called outside? There's a whole world going on out there, don't just view it through Facebook.
"Don't sweat the small stuff" - remember that saying from the 2000's? There are so many things we stress about and get caught up in, that really won't matter later on in life. Pick your battles!
What are you doing for self-care this week, which of these tips are you going to try in your own life?