The Final Notice fashion show, a collaborative effort by NL.studios director James Warrender and local designer Henry Calkin, brought an electrifying burst of creativity to Wellington. Featuring seven talented designers from across Aotearoa showcasing five outfirst each—Milan Jeon, Fringes Garments, Dira Dis Ultra, Chivalry Road, Foolish, James Warrender, and Henry Calkin—the event was a vibrant celebration of fashion.
Set against the backdrop of an unfinished studio space on Cuba Street, the show embraced a raw, grunge aesthetic that perfectly matched its underground vibe. In a city where rising living costs have pushed many creatives out, the concept of Final Notice emerged from a desire to reignite Wellington’s artistic energy. With the sentiment that "the best is behind us" echoing through the community, we aimed to challenge this narrative and showcase the incredible talent still thriving in the city.
For young designers, opportunities to present their work can be few and far between. Recognizing this gap, we took it upon ourselves to create a platform for local creatives, proving that Wellington still has a vibrant and essential creative spirit worth celebrating.
The Final Notice fashion show was more than just an event; it was a rallying cry for the artistic community, reminding us all that the future is bright and full of possibilities.
Check out James Warrender/NL.Studios on Instagram